Jun 21, 2008

We all scream for ice cream....

We live in suburbia; I know this. If you look up suburbia, I pretty sure that you would find a picture of our house. Greg and I are behind the suburbia curve because we don't have 2.1 kids and a dog, but we make up for it by gifting our backyard to the neighborhood freeze tag game.

This evening there were more kids than usual, and the game was wilder than usual (it had spread to the alley). While I was in the office, I could hear barely hear the game of tag, until all of a sudden I heard screaming. To be accurate, I heard about 20 kids simultaneously screaming "mom." I looked out the window and saw the heard of children streaming through our yard all yelling for adults. I grabbed my cell phone, sure that one of them had been run over in the alley. When I got to the back yard, there were only a handful left. I looked around and didn't see anything, but asked what happened. The response: "the ice cream truck is early and they didn't have their money."

This is drama in suburbia.

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