Jun 11, 2008

Things that oinked, lived in water, are on bones, or are generally orange

These are all things I don't eat. The last category is slightly misleading because it really just refers to my carrot allergy, but I really don't eat seafood or pork or anything still on a bone. I know that my reasoning is purely psychological (I had traumatic experiences with pork and seafood), but those feelings are so strong and I have not eaten either in so long that I almost can't eat them anymore.

When I was very young we went to Florida on vacation and a friend of the family introduced me to seafood by giving my a raw oyster. The result was not pretty. I've tried to add seafood back in the last several years, but it really upsets my stomach.

My aversion to pork is more psychologically traumatizing than texture/taste related. When I was in second grade, I was at a pork roast (a tradition in the south) and sitting quietly reading a book. An introvert and avid reader, the book happened to be Charlotte's Web. Enough said. Long story short, someone offered to show me Wilbur, and I've not eaten pork since.

Tonight Greg made pork steak, and I tasted it. It's not my first choice, but I didn't totally freak out. This is an improvement. I'm not ready to add it to my regular menu, but I am proud of myself for trying. I'm quite happy with my diet of veggies and boneless, skinnless chicken breast, but twenty years later, I think I may finally be ready to move on from a very bad joke. Although, I do much better, if you simply refrain from telling me it's pork.

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