May 2, 2008


At the end of the semester I become the queen of procrastination. Some of my colleagues are a fan of the Free Rice game. It donate rice for correct answers on a vocab quiz. This game, however, doesn't allow me to help others procrastinate. Scrabulous used to be my passion for interactive procrastination, however, that game moves very slowly. My new love is now Scramble. I can now confine my procrastination to 3 minute rounds. This allows for a procrastination tool that also allows me to return to my real work in a more timely fashion.

In other news, even though I hate shows like Dateline, I watched a very long episode tonight to see the embedded section on Death and the Beauty Queen, which according to Dateline Correspondent Keith Morrison happened in the very same small town I grew up in. It really odd to hear Morrison's weird crime story voice describing places that were within walking distance of the elementary school I attended.


Anonymous said...

I'm obsessed with shows like Dateline, and that particular one was just so surreal. Its strange to see Russellville from another's perspective.

G said...

@cadycupcake I think that the guys voice made it even creepier. It was odd having the town I grew up in describe in those terms.