May 5, 2008

And then she did (not) die of consumption...

I'm not sure if the knowledge that this was my final full semester of course work ever (I do still have to take one class this summer) made me a little more zen this semester or what. Even though I left two major projects untouched until the weekend before they were due, I did not allow myself to stress to the level of previous semesters. Of all of the semesters that I thought that stress may have gotten the best of me, this was definitely a contender.

I got walking pneumonia in February and spent the better part of the spring wondering if I would ever regain lung function. After spending a semester researching 19th century child diaries (many of which end "and X days later, she died of consumption," it seemed like an appropriate illness.

Now that I am relieved of all of my student duties, I can now return to the world of guiltless television watching (House, LOST, CSI) and pleasure reading. I haven't decided what is on this summer reading list, but it will probably be young adult texts, since I'm teaching YA lit in the fall. I welcome suggestions...

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