May 19, 2008


I finally psyched myself up for a day of writing after several days of vacation, and ISU's network went down today. I guess I will take one more day of reading for fun, watching tv, and surfing the internet.

In other news...I finally found time to read Dr. Franklin's Island. It's been on my shelf for over a year, and I'd heard several people talk about it, so I thought I should read it. It's bad. It's painfully obvious, and definitely won't make any of my YA sci-fi lists.


M said...

Yeah, I gave it one star. I read another bad books since the--The Cure by Sonia Levitin. This one was so bad that I wanted to quit. I finally wound up fast forwarding to the last three chapters so I could see what happened. It was the most overdone mix of The Giver, The Deveil's Arithmatic, and Brave New World--a dystopia novel with nothing new to say at all. Ug...

G said...

Glad to know that is one to avoid. Anything good that you would recommend?