Aug 22, 2008


  • I got rained on while biking to work and had to teach looking like a drowned rat.
  • I tried to be a good teacher, but couldn't because I am working in broken chaos, so I closed my door and cried in frustration.
  • I got stuck in my own office because my door cannot be opened from the inside.
  • I was rescued by a maintenance man while a colleague sat in her office and did nothing.
  • I got a copy of work order about the above situation; it said Priority: Low
  • I read emails on the department listserv that professed to be unaware that grad students were being blown off in the move.
  • I offered to help someone who's been a total b!%@# to me and when she said something rude, I apologized to her instead of telling her off.
  • I listened to a faculty member tell the tech people they were too loud and she was "actually trying to work."
  • I watched the tech people leave without installing our phones because installing them meant making noise.
  • I started to send an email to someone about how frustrated I was, but didn't because I was afraid I would get in trouble.


Dr. M said...

Fuck 'em all! That's what I say...

J. said...

I'm really sorry that your day went like this.

Carey said...

aaaaawwww, sweetie!!!! that sucks. and now i want to know who the colleague was (but I could probably narrow it down to one or two people)...

Sarah Jo Austin said...

Sounds like you need a hug! Sorry you had such a crappy day; I hope they figure out how to install the phones noiselessly.

G said...

thanks guys! you're wonderful.

@cfa your guess is probably right