Jul 19, 2008

Don't drink and drive, then post on Facebook

I knew police were using Facebook and other social networking sites as evidence because when my sister was hit by a car earlier this year, they reconstructed the scene using information posted on Facebook. You would think after all of the stories about employers and school officials using posted information to punish user, people would quit posting information that could be used against them. If you have been recently arrested for drunk driving, it probably is not a good idea to take pictures of yourself drunk in a "jail bird" costume while awaiting trial. But then again the person that CBS interviewed regarding her current job search might explain why we need to tell people "Don't drink and drive, then post on Facebook"
Her profound comment:
I hope that employers aren't looking at it too in-depthly...I really don't think employers should be basing their opinion on me on Facebook.

Employers may or may not look at her "in-depthly" (is that even a word?) but judges and juries may.

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