Nov 20, 2008

Themes and Snarkiness

I discovered two Google "related" products that I am now in love with.

Yesterday, my Gmail account magically asked me what "theme" I would like. I love my gmail account for many reasons, and technically, I don't need a pretty background, but I'm not going to say no. I wasn't totally enthralled with the options. Most are just color scheme, much like you can have the same Windows set up in different colors. I was very interested in the "Tree" theme that supposedly changes based on the location you input, when I couldn't actually get the tree to change*, I quickly lost interest in this theme. I wasn't exactly wowed by any of them (says the woman who has yet to find a blog template that she is completely happy with either), but I really like the personalization aspect. I spend more time looking at my Gmail account than any other website, so at least I can pick the color.

What made me even happier, however, was Let Me Google That For You.** This site is designed for all of those who are too lazy to look something up themselves. It's snarky and passive agressive, but it's also genius. It basically provides a link that you can share with the offending lazy party that not only provides the actual Google results, but also provides an annimation that demonstrates the very complex process of conducting a Google search. This makes me wonder if I should devote my break to developing a "Here let Me Check the Syllabus For You" service that demonstates a similar skill.

Yay, for Google products that don't actually serve any function purpose, but make me happy.

* Update: I finally figured this out. The tree does not change, the weather at the top changes, but it only changes if Google recognizes your city. Even though it appears to accept lots of places, if you put in the nearest "large" city, it seems to work better.
**This is not actually a Google product.

1 comment:

Linden said...

I love Gmail themes. You're right that they don't actually serve a function, but there is certainly something to be said for aesthetics. And I love Let Me Google That For You! But I don't think I'd ever use it. I'm just not that passive aggressive. :)