Nov 11, 2008


I need someone to invent an application that asks "What do you need to be doing right now?" when I google Blogger Templates. I wonder if my students will feel better knowing that even though they won't get papers back tomorrow, I have new templates on my blogs.


J. said...

At least they're good templates!

Linden said...

I need an application that asks "What do you need to be doing right now?" Whenever I Google anything. Whenever I open Firefox. Whenever I open a new tab in Firefox. Et cetera, et cetera. *sigh*

G said...

@ linden and it needs to keep popping up every 30 seconds. I love tabs but they make procrastinating way too easy.

Linden said...

Yep, you've got it: every 30 seconds. I think the Internet makes procrastinating way too easy. And I can always find a way to "need" it when I'm grading/writing/reading.