Sep 22, 2008

YA For Obama

I haven't had a lot of time to explore YA for Obama, but from what I've seen it looks pretty interesting. When I first saw it, I was a little confused because it seems like a rather haphazard group (young adult writer, readers and friends, according the website), but in reality this is not different than nurses, teachers, or steel workers for Obama, plus it offers an interesting glimpse into the political lives of people who are usually only defined by their books. Regardless of whether or not you support him, if you teach ya lit, it's a sight you might want to check out.

I did quickly google YA for McCain to see if such a group existed, but nothing turned up. I guess in terms of ideology it would be more likely to see Children's Authors for McCain. If I thought it wouldn't offend students, it would be interesting to examine the ideologies of children's literature in terms of the election.

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