Sep 21, 2008

Procrastination (or Why I'm going to quit planning ahead)

I was supposed to be observed tomorrow, so I wrote out my lesson plans two weeks ago.

Then, this weekend...
  • Blackboard decided to "eat" my discussion boards and none of my students bothered to tell me until this weekend.
  • I didn't know my students were telling me this until today because my university password expired, so I couldn't log in Blackboard.
  • Now I have to start class tomorrow with "here's the new plan" instead of the fabulous lesson plan.
  • I feel like crap, so I'm not excited about any of the above or the lesson plan that has been done for two weeks.
But in the weirdness of the universe, it doesn't matter if tomorrow's lesson plan goes out the window because my advisor broke her nose this weekend and rescheduled the observation for next week.

I consider all of the above cosmic justification for my procrastination.

1 comment:

J. said...

I'm really sorry that the tech is being such a bastard this semester