Jan 27, 2009

Blog Death

I feel like my blogs are dying a slow death. I'd love to say that it is because I have been too busy to blog, but in reality it's because I haven't quite figured out where the boundaries between my 3 blogs are. When I separated out my blogs, I did so because I didn't want to clutter this blog with recipes and then later with baby news.

The recipe blog sadly still gets lots of traffic despite the fact that I haven't added new recipes in months.* I have a stack of recipes sitting on my desk waiting to be added, but I never got around to taking pictures, so I haven't messed with them lately. As I started reading more recipe blogs and following recipe bloggers who discovered me, I was so overwhelmed by the fact that most of these people average 4-6 *new* recipes each week that I kinda let this one go. I don't even try one new recipe a week, except maybe in the summer time, and quite honestly I don't have the time or desire to make that kind of commitment right now.

This blog faired slightly better, but has still been slowly dying. Part of this is becuase I told myself I didn't want to put baby news here and the line between baby and non-baby is incredibly blurry for me right now. As a result of not knowing where my own boundary was, I kinda just quit posting.

The baby blog is the only blog that is getting regularly updated at least once a week at the moment. Part of me thinks that I should have combined the baby blog and this personal blog, but in all honestly I like the freedom of having this blog to write about things that aren't exactly aimed at my family. We are also using that baby blog to replace emailed pregnancy updates for family and friends scattered across the country, so I feel like it would overwhelm this blog.**

At the same time, I miss this blog. I rarely feel like I have to censor myself or my thoughts on this blog, which I can't say about the baby blog. Frequently, I find myself wanting to blog about something and then opting not too because of the potential to offend or "start something" with opinionted family members. I never have that feeling here.

So, in short, I'm going to work on trying to rediscover that balance. It may mean that you may start seeing more baby stuff here (my apologies to those who aren't interested in baby updates), but please bear with me as I try and figure out how to reorganize these three blogs into something that works for my readers but also for me as a writer. I'm not ready to kill off any of the three blogs, but I'm working on finding a division that works.

*In my weak defense, my relationship with food since I got pregnant meant that I haven't cooked as much. I will admit that neither cracked pepper Triskets nor baked potatoes contain carrots, but I feel bad about posting carrot-free weird pregnancy cravings on that blog when its primary audience is people looking for allergy-friendly recipes.
**We're also using it help smooth out issues (like using cloth diapers) that some of our family members might take issue with. Since we have wide variety of opinions and cultural perspectives in our family, it seems like I spend quite a bit of time defending decisions and trying to make sure no one is suprised and no one is offended.

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