Aug 19, 2008


A recreation of a recent conversation in our house:

Me: Blockbuster was having a sale on previously viewed so I bought some for my children's lit classes.

Greg: What did you get?

Me: X, Y, Z, and BFG

Greg: BFG? in children's literature.

Me: Dahl's Big Friendly Giant, it's the animated version.

Greg: that's not what I think of...

So here's my question... How many of you played Doom? and if so, at what age? And if you're willing to go so far as to give me info regarding the non-giant meanings' popularity, I'd be even more grateful. Was it used in other games? Is it still used?

And yes, I'm a nerd who just learned that BFG could stand for something other than Big Friendly Giant.

1 comment:

Zog said...

I didn't play Doom until Doom 2 when I was 16 or so. Wolfenstein 3D came out when I was 13, and while we didn't have a computer capable of playing it, I'd often visit my best friend who did.

The first FPS I actually owned was Pathways into Darkness, the spiritual ancestor to the Marathon series, which in turn sired the oh-so-popular Halo series (no link necessary).

Most Halo fans I've talked to are surprised by this lineage. While a few attempt to deny it, I expect the rest would at least be willing to help Halo sue for emancipation from its obscure parentage.

Age 13 was the earliest chance I had to play a violent FPS, and I don't recall any disapproval from parents at the time. If the technology had been better, or if the market had evolved when I was younger, I imagine I would have been a bit more restricted.

That said, though, even at 13 I never really saw the appeal in violent FPS's. I loved the awesome 3d graphics (for the time), but I actually had way more fun playing SimEarth on our black and white Mac.