Jun 1, 2009


I never realized how anti-censorship I was until I realized how much age (in)appropriate material we give our own child. Here's this week's list:
  • I read Harry Potter 1 and 4 aloud to him last week.
  • Last Friday, we had a prolonged discussion (okay more of a lecture) about road trip metaphors.
  • Rakicy read Once a Runner to him. New words include: bastard, shit, etc.
  • I told Rakicy to turn on the television as background noise. An hour later I realized that the background noise was Sahara.
  • Rakicy turns on the radio or plays music on the computer when Boutros if fussy. Yesterday, I discovered them listening to Lil' Wayne's Lollipop.
Clearly, all of this exposure has had no lasting effect.*

*I say this had more to do with being a First Friday baby then being exposed to older reading material.


Carey said...

BWA HA HA! Love it.

J. said...


G said...

Personally, I'm going to go with the fact that he was a gang "hanger" from birth.